The battery’s life span mainly depends on usage-normally 12 to 48 months. But in most cases, only 30% of batteries reach that mark. That may surprise you, and you may ask, why?
Well, typically, it is caused by a lack of maintenance.
Deep cycle battery has been admired widely for its less instant energy, yet its capability of long-term energy delivery. At the same time, if you can maintain and treat it properly, it will last long.
In this article, we are attempting to discuss how to maintain Deep Cycle Battery. Furthermore, we will touch up the way to maintain the Deep Cycle RV Battery. So let’s get started.
Maintaining Deep Cycle Batteries
These deep cycle batteries are established to give power to the cycle from the charged batteries. The external force from the charged batteries provides the period some increased duration to roll.
Best RV Deep cycle battery are in majority things which include the golf carts, boats, wheelchairs etc. They are not like other automotive batteries.
These batteries also need to serve with proper care. They require adequate maintenance, as well. You must take special care of this battery to get excellent service from it. It will help you keep the battery last long, also works perfectly for more time. Let’s get to know five tips for maintaining deep cycle battery, which will help to keep the deep cycle battery in excellent condition.
> Keep in Check the Charge of the Battery
Depending on the pressure you give to the cell, this battery discharge in 45% to 75% within its capability. So, not to get shocked when the battery ends with its charge, use the tools to monitor the cost of the cell.
The tools might be the voltage indicator, amp-hour meter, hydrometers etc. The battery should change as soon as it indicates about 50% charge. also, follow the deep cycle battery voltage chart.
> Avoid the Sulfation
If you keep the battery for a long time, without charging, then the battery is at risk, when suddenly you load it or starts working with it because they are made up of lead-acid. Now, the Sulfation happens at that time when the sulfates of the lead get crystallized.
Then the battery receives disabled and doesn’t take any more charge. Thus avoid the Sulfation to get the battery safe by having a periodic charge cycle.
> Stay Aware of Stratification
Repetition of charge and discharge creates stratification. Stratification significantly decreases the performance as well as the capacity of the battery. The unbalanced condition of the batter will surely disable the cell’s performance. Eventually, the mixture will die. Try to avoid charging and discharging rapidly.
> Give the Battery Some Time to Cool
When you will complete the work that needs the battery and you are loading the battery. It may explode or burst. This isn’t for heavy uses. So whenever you are complete with the work, take some time and let the batter cool down.
In fact when the battery will get fully charged then keep it at rest as well to avoid damage to the battery.
> Maintain the Equalization
Well, Equalization for some time must be needed so that the cells present inside the battery stays in balance. This procedure will help to extend the low current in the charge.
Thus, this charge is applied when the full cost is complete, and still, the battery will increase the time of the command about three more hours. And this is done by the manually timed chargers. So maintain it.
Do I Need a Surge Protector For My RV?
Surge Protector used is to serve the best protection for your RV’s electrical systems. This protector protects from the deadly power spikes that happen by mostly strikes of lightning. This procedure may also occur when the lighting strokes on any lines near you. These protectors are usually the devices that you have to plug into the main power box.
Conversely, you have to connect your RV’s electrical system on this protector device. By this way, you are going to keep the RV in a secure condition.
You can find this Surge Protector very quickly from any electrical shop. These protectors are entirely available. 30 Amp Surge Protector cost $100 also less than that. Whereas you can find the 50 Amp surge protector for less than the $110. Thus, people who think that the Surge protector is very costly. It is not expensive compared with the service it gives. According to its work, the surge protector is perfect in price. Nothing to negotiate.
In short, these surge protectors protect and prevent your RV’s electrical system from any damage. These guards will stop the electrical system getting the bounce of high as well as low voltage bumps.
Now, if I talk about the need for the Surge Protectors, everyone should have a Surge Protector in case of safety. Cautions of electricity turn to explosions or flames. To avoid that danger, you must have the surge protector. It is entirely up to you whether you are going to have one or not.
Here is a video on RV surge protection:
Maintain the Deep Cycle RV Battery
Most of the time the RV battery gets affect because of getting too much temperature. This heating temperature also affects the RV Battery’s performance as well as the lifespan. The higher the battery temperature will be the more capable of storage and longevity will decrease. In fact, lower temperatures as well also create a problem in the battery’s life. The lower the temperature, will be the performance will drop.
 An RV batter usually provides 100% energy within 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Where the same RV Battery will provide 60% energy at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The voltage will drop to 12.2 volts, eventually decreasing the battery’s performance. The temperature of the RV Batteries must be maintained.
The Sulfation also maintains a big issue for the RV Battery. This Sulfation kills the battery. So avoid the Sulfation. I mentioned at the top part about Sulfation and how to prevent it. The perfect condition of a Deep Cycle RV Battery after discharging will help you a lot to decrease the Sulfation.
The amount of water as well as how fast a battery loses the battery, depends on how rapidly you charge and discharge the battery. These problems also depend on the charge rate and the deepness of the state of the discharge.
You should always keep your battery’s electrolyte checked once a month at least. Make sure your battery is in fully charged before you start the maintenance. These help the electrolyte level and lets your battery stay safe as well as face no problems.
If you want to know the different charging systems of an RV Battery, you might want to check out how to charge the RV battery with the generator.
How to Maintain Deep Cycle Battery – Final Words
Its time to wrap up this article. These Deep Cycle Batteries are a unique mixture of balanced chemicals. And they need to be recharged when they lose their charge. But you should always keep them on maintenance. Also, follow the deep cycle battery charging instructions.
Maintaining them lets the battery stays alive for long and can provide you with the service for some more periods. So every single detail along with the preserving procedure, is mentioned above. Follow them for increasing the life period of your battery.